Assigning Contacts to Roles

When you are going through the Journey, you can easily assign contacts to to the roles that are in the template by simply clicking on the box underneath the role card name and selecting the appropriate contact. If you have not already used the contact, you can enter the information and select "Create new contact". If you have used the contact before but are adding some fields that were not previously used, you can save those fields back to the contact by clicking "Update Contact".

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All of your saved contacts can be viewed by clicking on the Contact icon from the Platform.

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The Template as a Play Analogy Continued

Remember our analogy of the template as a play? If we think of the different cards as the characters of the play, the contacts are the actors. There can be an actor for each character but an actor can also play multiple characters in the play. Contacts can also be assigned to multiple roles in your template or template set.

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Up next

Introduction to Clio Draft
Introduction to Clio Draft
Key Concepts and Terminology
Key Concepts and Terminology
Clio Users: Getting Started
Clio Users: Getting Started
The Platform
The Platform
The Template Builder
The Template Builder
Selecting Documents to Turn Into Templates
Selecting Documents to Turn Into Templates
Creating Model Templates
Creating Model Templates
How Information is Saved: Fields and Cards
How Information is Saved: Fields and Cards
Clio Users: Using Information Manage in Clio Draft
Clio Users: Using Information Manage in Clio Draft
Roles versus Other Cards
Roles versus Other Cards
Prepping Templates
Prepping Templates
Importing Cards and Fields
Importing Cards and Fields
Advanced Topic: Using Copy/Paste to Import Fields and Conditions
Advanced Topic: Using Copy/Paste to Import Fields and Conditions
Adding Cards
Adding Cards
Adding Fields to Cards and Hints
Adding Fields to Cards and Hints
Duplicating Cards
Duplicating Cards
Collapse and Collapse All Cards
Collapse and Collapse All Cards
Inserting Fields and Bulk Insert
Inserting Fields and Bulk Insert
Multiple Choice Fields
Multiple Choice Fields
* NEW * Multi-Select Fields
* NEW * Multi-Select Fields
Formatting Fields
Formatting Fields
Advanced Topic: Formatting your Data
Advanced Topic: Formatting your Data
Deleting Fields
Deleting Fields
Reordering Fields and Cards
Reordering Fields and Cards
Test your Skills #1
Test your Skills #1
Stepping Through Test Your Skills #1
Stepping Through Test Your Skills #1
Adding Rules to Your Templates (Conditions)
Adding Rules to Your Templates (Conditions)
Getting Started with Conditions
Getting Started with Conditions
Advanced Topic: Choosing the Right Design for your Rules
Advanced Topic: Choosing the Right Design for your Rules
Inserting Conditions
Inserting Conditions
Moving Conditions
Moving Conditions
Using Conditions for Multiples
Using Conditions for Multiples
Nested Conditions
Nested Conditions
Triggering Conditions from Multiple Choice Fields
Triggering Conditions from Multiple Choice Fields
Standalone Conditions
Standalone Conditions
Reviewing, Testing and Troubleshooting Conditions
Reviewing, Testing and Troubleshooting Conditions
Test Your Skills #2
Test Your Skills #2
Stepping Through Test Your Skills #2
Stepping Through Test Your Skills #2
More Practice #1
More Practice #1
Generating Documents
Generating Documents
The Journey
The Journey
Assigning Contacts to Roles
Assigning Contacts to Roles
Optional Highlighted Changes
Optional Highlighted Changes
Template Sets
Template Sets
Saving, Editing and Transferring Templates
Saving, Editing and Transferring Templates
Saving Templates
Saving Templates
Editing Templates
Editing Templates
Transferring Templates
Transferring Templates
Deleting Templates
Deleting Templates
Electronic Signatures
Electronic Signatures
Creating the Signature Package
Creating the Signature Package
eSignature: The Client Experience
eSignature: The Client Experience
MS Word Basics
MS Word Basics
Converting Document to .docx Format
Converting Document to .docx Format
Add Signature Lines
Add Signature Lines
Extending Blank Lines to Right Margin
Extending Blank Lines to Right Margin
Adjusting Line Indents and Word Wrap
Adjusting Line Indents and Word Wrap
Orphan Control
Orphan Control
Section Breaks
Section Breaks
Custom Paragraph and Section Numbering
Custom Paragraph and Section Numbering
Insert Current Year
Insert Current Year
Advanced Topics: Adding Calculations to Tables
Advanced Topics: Adding Calculations to Tables
Advanced Topics: Defining a Custom Style
Advanced Topics: Defining a Custom Style
Advanced Topics: Creating a Second Independent Dynamic Numbering Sequence
Advanced Topics: Creating a Second Independent Dynamic Numbering Sequence
Advanced Topics: Referencing Table Calculations
Advanced Topics: Referencing Table Calculations
AMA (Ask Me Anything)
AMA (Ask Me Anything)
Adding Multiple Versions of Pronouns Using Conditions
Adding Multiple Versions of Pronouns Using Conditions
Proper Condition Tag Placement
Proper Condition Tag Placement
Using Copy/Paste to Save Time Creating Templates
Using Copy/Paste to Save Time Creating Templates
Allowing Multiple Selections with a Standard Clio Draft Multiple-Choice Field
Allowing Multiple Selections with a Standard Clio Draft Multiple-Choice Field
Building a Case Caption Using an MS Word Table
Building a Case Caption Using an MS Word Table
Building Out Your Template Library Using Case Caption Stub Templates
Building Out Your Template Library Using Case Caption Stub Templates
Using Conditions to Toggle Checkboxes
Using Conditions to Toggle Checkboxes
Using Conditions to Create Dynamic Tables
Using Conditions to Create Dynamic Tables
Converting a Clio Manage Template into a Clio Draft Template
Converting a Clio Manage Template into a Clio Draft Template
Creating Reciprocal Templates
Creating Reciprocal Templates
Adjusting Fill-in-the-Blank Lines to work with Clio Draft Fields
Adjusting Fill-in-the-Blank Lines to work with Clio Draft Fields
Using Hidden Control Fields
Using Hidden Control Fields
Inserting Conditions into a Numbered List
Inserting Conditions into a Numbered List