If you want to edit a previously saved template open it through the Lawyaw Template Builder and then make your changes and save it.
You'll have the option to save over the existing template or save as a new template.
Remember to always refresh your browser before using the revised template in the Platform.
Pro Tip
If you have a Word document that already has Lawyaw fields inserted and you want to save it as a new template, copy all and paste into a new document. Then save the new document as a template in the Lawyaw Template Builder.
Editing is an Important Part of the Process
Don't be frustrated if you have to do a few rounds of edits to make your templates perfect. Setting up templates is similar to other types of drafting in that editing is just a part of process. Sometimes you'll have to do multiple rounds of testing and editing to make it perfect. Be patient and take the time to get it right.