We've added a new field type and expanded the options available to you with multiple-choice fields. While you can still use the 'regular' single-select field type, you now have the option to choose whether those options will be displayed to the user as a dropdown list or radio buttons.
You also will notice a change on the website. The text-to-merge field is hidden by default; you can still edit the value by clicking the Edit button to the right of the field name. If you have edited the value, a "Custom value" indicator will appear.
The new multi-select field type will display the options in a vertical list on the website with a checkbox next to each option.
In Template Builder, you will be able to choose how the inserted text appears: 1) comma-separated horizontal list; 2) semicolon-separated horizontal list; or 3) vertical list.
As with other fields, this new multi-select field will pick up the underlying formatting from the document. This means if you select the vertical list option it will pick up any numbering you have applied to the field in your template.